Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Welcome... To Waterloo Station

The dust of Jurassic World may have settled too long to warrant sharing these pictures now, but I was in the throes of moving house, followed by a lengthy period without home internet, and lacked the opportunity previously. Still, I felt I couldn�t have these pictures on my hands without posting them on the blog. 

During the first week of Jurassic World�s release, London�s Waterloo Station took part in what can only be described as a promotional extravaganza with a display featuring models of the film�s �raptors�. Visitors were encouraged to take their own JW selfie with the beasties and to share them on Twitter. Yes, folks, it had its own hashtag. I had hoped to drag Marc along for this privilege. Sadly, the display only lasted a week and there wasn�t enough time.

The rest of the station boasted the JW logo on its escalators, huge banners and posters hung in strategic spots, and the film�s trailers played in a loop on the new screens above the platforms on the station concourse. There was even a �Jurassic Traders Outpost� erected for the occasion, where you could buy DVDs of all the previous films in the franchise in every available iteration. 


 I have to admit: I hadn�t yet seen the film then and though I did try to steel myself against the rampant commercialism like a good cynic, I could not help enjoying the atmosphere a little. Not unlike Christmas, really. Mea culpa

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