Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Which Mammoth is Mopey Character are You?

We're now two weeks from the end of the Mammoth is Mopey Indiegogo campaign I've posted about here a few times and tweeted about prolifically. In the interest of keeping promotion fresh, we've hopped on the quiz bandwagon. They're scientifically proven to be the number one way to come to self-knowledge in the hustle and bustle of this digital world. No hallucinogens, fasting, or pilgrimage required!

We're just about 65% funded, and it's totally possible for us to reach full funding. As a fixed-funding campaign, we need to hit that number to get any money at all. If you've backed us or spread the word via social media, Jennie and I are grateful for the support. We look forward to fulfilling orders this summer!

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